

Friends of HDANI

As a local, rare disease charity HDANI depends on the generosity of individuals, communities and companies to deliver our vital services. We have a small staff team and all of our time is dedicated to supporting our families and making services better for people with HD. Unlike bigger charities, we do not have fundraising staff or volunteer managers so we don't have the ability to do much fundraising, yet we are constantly struggling for funds. Quite often people directly battling HD don't have the time or energy to help with fundraising so we are appealing to their family and friends to help HDANI so that we can give them the best support possible through their journey with Huntingtons. That is why we have created Friends of HDANI.

What is a 'Friend of HDANI'?

A friend is simply someone who is willing to go the extra mile to help people living with Huntington's disease.
You can give your money, time or both.
You could choose to make a regular personal donation or one-off gift.
You could take responsibility for managing collection boxes in your local shops. You could decide to host a fundraising event from bake sales, bikeathons, bingo or barn dances.
You could take on a sponsored challenge which could be fun like headshave or leg wax or physical events like a run, hike, cycle, swim.
You could take to the skies and jump from a plane or abseil.

Most businesses and companies make charitable donations but usually, they choose charities based on nominations from their staff or customers. You could approach the businesses you have connections to and tell them about HDANI. You never know what it could lead to!

It's not all about raising money though -it's also about raising awareness of HD and reducing the stigma families face. We have posters and leaflets you could distribute in your local community when you are out and about.

How do I become a Friend?

You can become a Friend of HDANI by emailing friends@hdani.org.uk with your name and contact details and we will get in touch with you. We will listen to your ideas and guide you as best we can to make them happen!