


HDANI works throughout Northern Ireland providing support, information, advice and social connections to those living with the impact of Huntington’s Disease. We run regional support groups, provide telephone and face to face advice and support as well opportunities for families to connect through our events and befriending services.

We also work closely with medical professionals to advocate for the most effective care for our clients and lobby the Executive for improved and efficient services. We provide training and awareness-raising events and keep our service users informed of the latest research and medical advances in the quest for effective treatments and ultimately a cure.

The Association is dependent on a small but dedicated team of staff and volunteers who are committed to providing the best possible outcomes to our service users.

Our services are free and confidential and open to anyone in Northern Ireland impacted by HD whether they are a patient, family member or carer. If you would like to refer yourself or someone else to HDANI for information, advice or support, please complete our referral form.

Our Mission Statement

The Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland’s mission is to secure the best quality of life for people living with Huntington's and their families and to work with others towards the effective management and eventual eradication of the disease.

Our Vision

The Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland’s vision is for those affected by HD to be empowered and supported to live as normal a life as possible.

To read about our planned work for 2024-2029 view our Strategic Plan.